Gender Equity at Climate Generation

We’ve made a commitment to including our team’s gender pronouns in our organizational communications because we believe everyone deserves the respect of being acknowledged for who they are.

Climate Generation strives to foster and uphold a thriving, connected organization where our staff and community feel empowered and welcomed.

What are examples of commonly used pronouns?

We cannot know someone’s gender or pronouns without asking. Dominant culture taught many of us to make assumptions about others’ gender identity based on someone’s name or how someone looks. We at Climate Generation commit to not assume, but to ask. We celebrate all people whose genders don’t fit into male or female boxes, including someone who prefers to be referred to as “them” or another pronoun.

We are committed to doing our part to move towards an equitable and resilient future for all.

Interested in learning more about gender pronouns? We recommend looking into the materials gathered by