Expedition Copenhagen Delegate Blogs

October 21, 2009
By: Chalie N

350 Milwaukee, WI

Groups and organizations across Milwaukee are getting together this Saturday October 24th to celebrate the 350 day of action in the form of a carnival!  It will be a great time to get together play games, get a bike tune up, listen to good music and enjoy discussing the topics of why we need to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions to a goal of 350ppm (parts per million) in the atmosphere.   To check out more information on this event go to the website http://mkesds.freehostia.com/ACT/MAIN.html.  In Wisconsin alone there are over 20 different 350 events occurring throughout the day of action, there are over 4000 events going on around the world!  So there will be an event close to anyone that wishes to attend, there will be everything from speeches and bands playing to walks through nature, helping out communities to prepare for the winter and save energy.  This will be a date to commemorate.  It will be a day that our voices will be heard through the world, I hope it is a day of education when people understand what is truly at stake due to Global Warming and continue working hard on building a new future for generations to come.